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How will we be graded?

        So, how will I be grading your case anyway? I mean, judging. It's pretty simple, actually. I have included a point-by-point rubric below, but before you even start looking there, make sure you remember the big 4:

        1) Do your homework! Go back over your reading notes, important quotes, and character maps. A strong case is based on accurately quoting the characters and retelling the important events of the "story."

Do your HW!

        2) Dress the part! Don't come to class on "trial days" in your jeans and sneaks, unless maybe you are playing the part of Holden. But even then, where's your hunting cap? Your prep-school jacket? Want me to buy your case? I am starting at the outfit...

Dress the part

        3) Don't lose your temper! Watch yourself - if the other side is presenting a particularly good case, you might find yourself wanting to jump in. Don't! It's not professional, you'll have your chance to make your case, and it won't impress the judge (trust me).

Watch the theatrics!

        4) Lastly, consider your audience. Like any good judge, I already know the ins and outs of this case - I've read the novel too. And I have a fair idea of some points I am expecting you to bring up - the ambiguity over whether Santiago and Angela ever had a relationship is certainly something I'd expect both the prosecution AND defense to mention. So keep that in mind, as you're building your case...don't leave the "obvious" stuff out.

Consider your audience

        To see the exact grading rubric, which is an MSWord doc, click here.

        To download MSWord if you do not have it, click here. Keep in mind MSWord is installed on all the school computers, and you can print from them in the Media Center or Computer Lab also.

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